Personal accompaniment

Travel is important for everyone, including Thalidomide-affected people. It plays a key role in enabling people to visit family and friends, experience new things and leave their everyday routines behind. For people affected by Thalidomide, even taking a walk in their own neighbourhood can be challenging. For this reason, we provide support for travel and other activities outside the home by paying the costs for personal accompaniment up to the maximum of 336 hours. 

Many doctors are unfamiliar with how to support Thalidomide-affected people. This is why we can enable you to visit one of the ten Thalidomide competence centres in Germany. We provide funding for personal accompaniment over a three-day period per year, giving you time to seek advice and treatment from experts.

Illustration showing a suitcase with a luggage tag.


Would you like to apply for personal accompaniment?

An illustration showing a partially checked off checklist.


  • You are recognised by the Contergan Foundation for Disabled People.
  • You have a handicapped ID showing that you are:
    • severely walking impaired or
    • substantially walking impaired and with a degree of disability of 100% or
    • blind or
    • deaf or
    • you have a parking card.

How it works:

  • Please send us a completed questionnaire. On request, we will also be glad to send you the questionnaire by post or e-mail.
  • A copy of your ID for severely disabled people or your parking card is required on first request.
  • With the exception of parents and children, as well as partners living in the same household, anyone can serve as a personal accompaniment.
  • The accompanying person is responsible for paying any necessary social security contributions and taxes themselves.
An illustration showing a flowchart.
  • After the trip or activity outside the home is complete, the accompanying person submits the completed invoice form.
  • The promised amount will be transferred to the accompanying person’s bank account at the end of the month.

In addition, we cover the costs of an accompanying person for up to three days for the purpose of a visit to a Thalidomide competence centre by people recognised by the Contergan Foundation for Disabled People. In this case, we kindly ask you to complete an application before making your trip.


Click here to go to the online form.

To the online application for funding
In addition to national funding, we support Thalidomide-affected people with individual solutions. We seek to understand your individual needs and provide you with assistance where you need it most. The core of our work consists of providing aids that make life in your own home easier, promote contact with other people, or enable you to carry out your activities. We are always open to your questions and suggestions. Feel free to contact us.
Access funding application material