Do you need our support? We provide quick assistance for submitting an application.

The Grünenthal Foundation provides funding for purchases that help to meet specific needs. First and foremost, these include conversion measures for cars, adaptations in homes (such as in the bathroom or kitchen), and therapeutic aids (such as mobility equipment). The requirements for these services are

  • you are recognized by the Contergan Foundation for Disabled People and
  • there are no alternative institutions that will cover these costs.

In addition, we are always willing to discuss your individual needs with you.

To apply for financial support, please complete the online application and send it together with a corresponding cost estimate to the address indicated. Please have the cost estimate ready before beginning the online application.

If you need help with completing the application, please call us. We will walk you through the online application step by step.


Download applications here:

Please send us the completed application by e-mail:
Illustration showing an application and pen.